From more than 20 years, vaporized hydrogen peroxide sterilization is an affirmed technique of bacterial charge’s reduction.
Known with terms of VHP, HPV or Dry Fog depending on vaporization or nebulization technique, this technique lends itself to sterilization of everything that is thermally labile, both objects or environments than systems that don’t like pressure and elevated temperature reached by the classics water steam sterilization methods (SIP) and not even the presence of residue due to employment of chemical sterilants.
Water and oxygen are unique residue of sterilization with hydrogen peroxide.
Proclea has developed, in 2010, a VHP generator, distributes with TDP® commercial brand.
By analyzing what’s on market, we detected two critical aspects of VHP generators:
For this, we have endowed TDP® of a continuous dehumidifier.
Acting during entire sterilization’s cycle, dehumidifier keeps environment’s humidity under condensation’s securities: this allows us
TDP® is structured in an extremely friendly way from the point of view of user management:
Proclea supports its customers with a program complete of: